Total photos for the summer: about 6000.
Driving mileage on each day of the trip back:
Day 1 From the Village through YNP 145 mi
Day 2 To Devil's Tower, WY 339 mi
Day 3 Mt Rushmore and Badlands 240 mi
Day 4 To Newton, IA 620 mi
Day 5 To Vermillion, OH 605 mi
Day 6 To Bedford, MA 683 mi
Fuel notes:
On the drive out there in June, the Ru got about 26.9 mi/gal. On the way back, I pulled about 27.8, despite having two, instead of one, bike on the roof. Why the difference? Not having Rosie in the car? Traveling predominantly downwind?
Driving speed is a huge factor for fuel mileage. Driving up and down steep mountain passes at 40-50 mph is more efficient than driving over flat terrain at 70+ mph, as I do in New England, all because of aerodynamics.
I have the blood of ten thousand dead bugs on my hands.
And my fork, handlebars, brake levers, and shifters.
Dead bugs got smeared all over every leading-edge surface on the bikes. A bee got impaled over my big chainring and butterfly is still wedged in under the front hinge of the Ruf box.
At any rate, made it to DJ & Kathy's wedding Saturday:
Sunday we went for a walk in a park which had a bridge shaped like a boat.
This weekend we went sea kayaking to get to Greg and Kristina's birthday party in Boston Harbor.
Thank you Rick!
Thanks to all the people who've kept an eye on the blog this summer, it's been fun hearing people's comments and reactions to our activities and photos. I'll probably continue adding to it to document future trips, so feel free to keep checking it out, especially once the snow starts.