Been there many times, but still noticed a lot of new things this time.
The skunk cabbage crop coming in fine.
This rock has little lichen bumps...they are like braille bumps on the surface of the rock. Maybe they are anchor pads left over from moss which maybe used to be here? I have no idea. Little rock-hard bumps everywhere.
Last Friday, Greg, Alex, Yeuhi, and I skied the Duchess--a run I've been dying to ski top to bottom for years now.
Skinning up the Sherbie, a good view of Dodge's Drop. We made good time up from Pinkham, not much more than an hour.
We booted up Hillman's under perfect, clear blue skies. So lucky. Then walked down the talus to the groove in the buttress marking the top of Dutchess. Here's Alex skiing the upper section.