Sunday, January 4, 2015

Honeymoon in Peru! Installment 9: Huchuy Cusco hike

The next morning, we took a slow, slow bus up to the tiny town of Pisac. After finding a hostel and dropping our heavy stuff, we got sandwiches at a little expat hippie enclave, then hitched a ride to the tinier town of Lamay, where we wanted to hike to a group of ruins called Huchuy Cusco. The driver knew the bridge we needed to cross the river and sent us on our way.

very somewhat helpful sign pointing the way.

 Hot weather, and lots of switchbacks in our future.

Switchbacking up, Lamay in the background. 

After a couple hours, we came up to the site. Here is a sub-site called Rozaskancha, actively being restored.

 Recently-built thached roofs.

 Stairs leading up the terraces of the main complex. I cannot tell you how many thistle seeds got embedded in my shoes and socks up here; I was picking them out for months.

 Llama llaming llamily. 

 An excavation crew was hard at work. This site has no direct road access; these guys must have hiked most, if not all, of the way up here, and they are busting hump in the hot sun.

It was pretty neat to get a behind-the-scenes view of this excavation; in the US, the public would never be allowed to just wander freely through an active archaeological site. These guys didn't mind at all, they weer very friendly.

It interesting to see so much active work at a site which is somewhat remote. I wonder if there are plans to build new tourist access to the area.

 A group of middle- to late-aged hikers with guides emerged from above the site. They were on a fairly long hike from Chinchero, a town a mountain or two away. They ended up hiking out well after dark, as they weren't moving too quickly.

On an inca path up to and beyond the site's sun-gate.

Perfectly graded path contouring up the hill, with irrigation channel on the uphill side. We wanted to keep walking up, but daylight was short.

After working all day, the workers set up a soccer match.

Low light--we finished out the last minutes of the hike by headlamp.

Crazy flower.

Very wow.

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