On Saturday Irene, Moe, Frank, Meghan, Rosie, and Pat climbed into the Windstar at 7 AM and headed north to Yellowstone for some sightseeing. We had a great day.
Still in GTNP here...
Ansel Adams took a famous photo from this very spot. It's ok if you think his is better:
Mt Moran and the Skillet Glacier.
We drove into Jellystone. We stopped at a pond which is perched right on the Continental Divide and actually drains into both the Pacific and Atlantic.
Isa Lake is believed to be the only lake in the world which drains to two different oceans backwards.[3] The east side of the lake drains by way of the Lewis River to the Pacific Ocean and the west side of the lake drains by way of the Firehole River to the Atlantic Ocean.[4] This is the opposite of what one would expect since the Atlantic Ocean is east of the lake and the Pacific Ocean is to the west. From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isa_Lake.
Then we went to Old Faithful. About 500 feet from the biggest tourist attraction in the national park system, a buffalo ambled up.
Then I hopped on for a while, and they made a movie about me:
Old Faithful blew at 12:30, according to schedule.
Photo identical to the other 600 tourists' photos standing around me.
Then we had lunch at Old Faithful Inn. Awesome.
This picture is as funny now as it was 15 years ago when I first saw it. It's from a Park Service sign warning you to stay on the boardwalks. This kid is so surprised his hat popped off!
Red Spouter fumarole:
Red Spouter fumarole/mudpot. This was created instantly by the a huge earthquake in 1959 or so. Depending on the season this can be a hot spring, mud pot, or dry fumarole as above. See this other photo:
From: http://www.flickr.com/photos/mikecramermadison76/4402497809/
Sorry to be a Negative Nancy, but Isla Lake is not the only one to drain "backwards" across the continental divide. Gatun Lake also drains backwards via the Panama Canal, although Gatun Lake is man-made. The wikipedia entry has been updated to reflect this.