Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Skiing in June: check

Last weekend, I added a new entry to the list on months in which I have skied: June. Rosie, Sammy, and I hiked up to Tuck's and I took a few runs.

Sure, plenty of snow up there.

Looking east over the Little Headwall at a wall of clouds flooding up on us.

 Suncup city.

From the top of the snow line on Chute Left Variation, my second run. A couple skiers are visible down below the center of the Headwall...I was not quite the only fringe element skiing that day. 

 Waterfalls over the Lip, summit in clouds.

 This mountain's not going to ski itself.

My tracks in the remnants of Chute Right Variation, my third run.

 Chute Left Var, and my tracks.

Brought a couple PBRs to bury in the snow. Enjoyed a nice hike out with ice cold beer in my hand.

Before dinner, I took a quick swim in the lake, just to make the day complete.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hiking the Tripyramids loop

The weekend before our Peru trip, Rosie, Sammy, and I hiked the Tripyramids to help get into hiking shape.

There were many painted trillia along the way.

 A bird's nest in a low bush.

Lichen...why do I like lichen so much?

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My first time skiing in Huntington

This has been a good season. To my list of personal firsts for the season, at the beginning of May I added "ski in Huntington Ravine". Coz and I got up there on May 8th to find a good amount of snow remaining. 

Panorama from the floor of Huntington.

Booting up below Central Gully.