Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mountain biking around Jackson

Tuesday afternoon I finally replaced my cell phone. Its battery was so dead that I couldn't talk for 10 minutes without plugging it in. I bought a new one, with a cheaper payment system, which should save me money each month. Should have done this a while ago.

The old Nokia brick. This phone made it 9 years, probably 3-4 times the average life of a cell phone in America. All the buttons usually still worked.
Then I went mountain biking to the top of Snow King Mountain.
A big fire NNE of Jackson, near Dubois, which flared up a couple days ago.

High peaks.

From the top of Snow King, looking E into the terrain where Erik, Annmarie, and Rosie and I did a long bike ride. No wonder we were tired! 

On the way down the Ferrins Trail I pinch-flatted. I think this is my first flat tire since last summer, on any bike.

 Tuesday night I began stripping all the parts off the Orange Demon. Poor bike, it came to Jackson in one piece, and will be returning to Boston in a box, and divorced from its frame. I will buy a $100 replacement frame from Nashbar or Performance to hang the old parts on, to make a dedicated commuting/utility bike.

 Yesterday, Tom and I went mountain biking on Philips Ridge. Looking towards town from the ridge:

On the opposite side of the ridge sits Rendezvous Peak:

Great view down into Philips Canyon.

Looking N up the range, Rendezvous Bowl in the resort bounds high left:



This trail is about 2200 feet of descent in only about 2.5 miles, lots of it rocky, washboarded, or technical. Very tiring!

 Riding Philips Ridge was one of the items on our summer bucket list, which we came reasonably close to completing:

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