Friday, July 20, 2012

GTNP backpacking, third and final installment

Third morning came up clear, and it stayed clear pretty much the whole day.


And then there was light.

Marmotville, USA.

Ghost columbine.

Pink columbine.

Buck Pass, reentering the park.


Rosie on a snowfield below Buck Mountain's S face.

The substantial mountain in the background seems big, but around here it doesn't even warrant an official name.

Rosie approaching Static Peak through No Wood Basin.

Elephant head.

The runnels in this snowfield look like solutions to a system of differential equations.

Rosie going up Static. Rimrock lake in the background on Prospector's Mountain.

Little bouquets are all around.

Static, 11,303, new personal elevation record.


If you look closely, there is a pika at the center of this photo.

Heading down to the col with Albright. I took a side trip to run up Albright on our way out. Then it was out Death Canyon, which was familiar to us because we were up and down this trail last week.

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1 comment:

  1. You guys rock. Looks like you're having an amazing time out there. Thanks for posting your beautiful photos so I can live vicariously from back East.
